Charlotte and Andrew’s Snowy Engagement Shoot in Glendalough
So when Charlotte contacted me several months back to arrange for an engagement shoot in Wicklow and the Dublin mountains for the spring time, we kind of pictured a sunny springtime’ish’ day. You know, yellow daffodils in the ground and buds appearing on the trees. Birds chirping…!! What none of us expected was extreme cold, snow and impassible roads. But thats what we got – a snowy engagement shoot in Glendalough. But the sun shone and it was great…!!
Starting off for a very quick chilly few minutes on the beach at Ringsend, Dublin, we ended up in Glendalough Co Wicklow as that was the only accessible location that we could get to before getting out of a nice warm car and going hiking. I’m very used to photographing in Glendalough as it’s a very popular location for engagement shoots and weddings and I’ve seen it in all types of weather and seasons but never snow covered. It was beautiful….!
Charlotte and Andrew were totally up for it despite maybe not having the most appropriate footwear and clothes. Eventually though the cold and caught up with us and we had to call a quick end to our time and hike back to the warmth of our car. Sally Gap wasn’t possible as the roads were completely blocked but it didn’t spoil the fun.
Great experience though and it was great to work with such a great couple. Charlotte and Andrew get married this summer in the desert. Couldn’t be more different than a snowy engagement shoot in Glendalough…!! I wish them the very best..
Charlotte and Andrew, thanks again for choosing me to be your Wicklow Engagement Photographer.
If you are looking for an engagement shoot, I am available for bookings anytime of the year. Get in touch with me today to book your session.
It is quite demanding to get such romantic snaps, in bad weather conditions. Congrats to Charlotte and Andrew.
Thanks Katya…!! Hardest part was trying to stay upright..!