engaged couple walking holding hands in wicklow mountains

Breathtaking Wicklow Engagement Shoot in Glendalough & The Dublin Mountains

This is a Wicklow engagement shoot photographed in Glendalough and ending up in the Dublin mountains in spring 2017 with US couple Tara & Graham

Wicklow Engagement Shoot with Graham & Tara

Regardless of the weather, the Dublin and Wicklow mountains are just an incredible location for any type of photoshoot be it a wedding or an engagement shoot. A few weeks back, Tara & Graham popped over to Ireland from New York to get engaged and have an engagement photo session with me. After a Skype call with Graham we decided that the Dublin mountains and Glendalough were the perfect locations for him and Tara. And so it came to be..!!

I picked them up from their hotel in Dublin city and we headed south to Wicklow. It was a largely overcast day but that’s Ireland isn’t it. The beauty of this country shines through our landscape and skyscapes and it’s my job to capture this beauty. By the time we reached Glendalough, the sun had made an appearance and we had beautiful light which filtered through the trees in the national park. Photographers dream…!!

Tara & graham had booked the half day Wicklow Experience so we had loads of time to ramble around and also shown them the beautiful Monastic site. After a couple of hours walking, stopping and shooting we made it back to the car and continued on up higher in the mountains for a brief stop at one of my favourite look out points for a few photos as the sun slipped behind a nearby mountain.

After that it was back in the car and onwards in Dublin direction to the enchanting Dublin mountains with its wide open heather strewn plains. The sun was setting by this stage but the clouds had rolled in which made for low light but an extremely dramatic skyline as you will see. Here are some photographs from their shoot.

If you’re interested in an engagement shoot in Dublin, Wicklow or any location in Ireland, I have packages available.

Tara and Graham, thanks again for choosing me to be your Wicklow Engagement Photographer.

If you are looking for a Wicklow engagement shoot, I am available for bookings anytime of the year.  Get in touch with me today to book your session.


  1. Some fabulous photos there David! Excellent work. I am sure your clients are absolutely delighted with them. I love the autumnal colors coming through. You are a talented photographer.

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